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fxdefs.h File Reference

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namespace  FX


#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE   0
#define MAYBE   2
#define NULL   0
#define PI   3.1415926535897932384626433833
#define EULER   2.7182818284590452353602874713
#define DTOR   0.0174532925199432957692369077
#define RTOD   57.295779513082320876798154814
#define PATHSEP   '/'
#define PATHSEPSTRING   "/"
#define PATHLISTSEP   ':'
#define ISPATHSEP(c)   ((c)=='/')
#define ENDLINE   "\n"
#define FXLOCAL
#define FXEXPORT
#define FXIMPORT
#define FXAPI
#define FX_PRINTF(fmt, arg)
#define FX_SCANF(fmt, arg)
#define FXABS(val)   (((val)>=0)?(val):-(val))
#define FXMAX(a, b)   (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#define FXMIN(a, b)   (((a)>(b))?(b):(a))
#define FXMIN3(x, y, z)   ((x)<(y)?FXMIN(x,z):FXMIN(y,z))
#define FXMAX3(x, y, z)   ((x)>(y)?FXMAX(x,z):FXMAX(y,z))
#define FXMIN4(x, y, z, w)   (FXMIN(FXMIN(x,y),FXMIN(z,w)))
#define FXMAX4(x, y, z, w)   (FXMAX(FXMAX(x,y),FXMAX(z,w)))
#define FXMINMAX(lo, hi, a, b)   ((a)<(b)?((lo)=(a),(hi)=(b)):((lo)=(b),(hi)=(a)))
#define FXCLAMP(lo, x, hi)   ((x)<(lo)?(lo):((x)>(hi)?(hi):(x)))
#define FXSWAP(a, b, t)   ((t)=(a),(a)=(b),(b)=(t))
#define FXLERP(a, b, f)   ((a)+((b)-(a))*(f))
#define STRUCTOFFSET(str, member)   (((char *)(&(((str *)0)->member)))-((char *)0))
#define ARRAYNUMBER(array)   (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))
#define CONTAINER(ptr, str, mem)   ((str*)(((char*)(ptr))-STRUCTOFFSET(str,mem)))
#define MKUINT(l, h)   ((((FX::FXuint)(l))&0xffff) | (((FX::FXuint)(h))<<16))
#define FXSEL(type, id)   ((((FX::FXuint)(id))&0xffff) | (((FX::FXuint)(type))<<16))
#define FXSELTYPE(s)   ((FX::FXushort)(((s)>>16)&0xffff))
#define FXSELID(s)   ((FX::FXushort)((s)&0xffff))
#define FXBITREVERSE(b)   (((b&0x01)<<7)|((b&0x02)<<5)|((b&0x04)<<3)|((b&0x08)<<1)|((b&0x10)>>1)|((b&0x20)>>3)|((b&0x40)>>5)|((b&0x80)>>7))
#define FXISUTF(c)   (((c)&0xC0)!=0x80)
#define FXRGBA(r, g, b, a)   (((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(r)) | ((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(g)<<8) | ((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(b)<<16) | ((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(a)<<24))
#define FXRGB(r, g, b)   (((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(r)) | ((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(g)<<8) | ((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(b)<<16) | 0xff000000)
#define FXREDVAL(rgba)   ((FX::FXuchar)((rgba)&0xff))
#define FXGREENVAL(rgba)   ((FX::FXuchar)(((rgba)>>8)&0xff))
#define FXBLUEVAL(rgba)   ((FX::FXuchar)(((rgba)>>16)&0xff))
#define FXALPHAVAL(rgba)   ((FX::FXuchar)(((rgba)>>24)&0xff))
#define FXRGBACOMPVAL(rgba, comp)   ((FX::FXuchar)(((rgba)>>((comp)<<3))&0xff))
#define FXASSERT(exp)   ((exp)?((void)0):(void)FX::fxassert(#exp,__FILE__,__LINE__))
#define FXTRACE(arguments)   FX::fxtrace arguments
#define FXMALLOC(ptr, type, no)   (FX::fxmalloc((void **)(ptr),sizeof(type)*(no)))
#define FXCALLOC(ptr, type, no)   (FX::fxcalloc((void **)(ptr),sizeof(type)*(no)))
#define FXRESIZE(ptr, type, no)   (FX::fxresize((void **)(ptr),sizeof(type)*(no)))
#define FXMEMDUP(ptr, src, type, no)   (FX::fxmemdup((void **)(ptr),(const void*)(src),sizeof(type)*(no)))
#define FXFREE(ptr)   (FX::fxfree((void **)(ptr)))
#define fabsf(x)   ((float)fabs((double)(x)))
#define ceilf(x)   ((float)ceil((double)(x)))
#define floorf(x)   ((float)floor((double)(x)))
#define fmodf(x, y)   ((float)fmod((double)(x),(double)(y)))
#define sqrtf(x)   ((float)sqrt((double)(x)))
#define sinf(x)   ((float)sin((double)(x)))
#define cosf(x)   ((float)cos((double)(x)))
#define tanf(x)   ((float)tan((double)(x)))
#define asinf(x)   ((float)asin((double)(x)))
#define acosf(x)   ((float)acos((double)(x)))
#define atanf(x)   ((float)atan((double)(x)))
#define atan2f(y, x)   ((float)atan2((double)(y),(double)(x)))
#define powf(x, y)   ((float)pow((double)(x),(double)(y)))
#define expf(x)   ((float)exp((double)(x)))
#define logf(x)   ((float)log((double)(x)))
#define log10f(x)   ((float)log10((double)(x)))


typedef char FXchar
typedef unsigned char FXuchar
typedef FXuchar FXbool
typedef unsigned short FXushort
typedef short FXshort
typedef unsigned int FXuint
typedef int FXint
typedef float FXfloat
typedef double FXdouble
typedef FXObject * FXObjectPtr
typedef wchar_t FXwchar
typedef unsigned short FXnchar
typedef long FXival
typedef unsigned long FXuval
typedef unsigned long FXID
typedef long FXTime
typedef unsigned long FXPixel
typedef FXuint FXColor
typedef FXuint FXHotKey
typedef FXID FXDragType
typedef FXint FXInputHandle
typedef _XEvent FXRawEvent


enum  FXSelType {
enum  {
  SHIFTMASK = 0x001,
  CONTROLMASK = 0x004,
  ALTMASK = 0x008,
  METAMASK = 0x040,
  NUMLOCKMASK = 0x010,
enum  {
enum  {
enum  {
enum  {
enum  FXDragAction {
  DRAG_COPY = 2,
  DRAG_MOVE = 3,
  DRAG_LINK = 4,
enum  FXDNDOrigin {
enum  FXExponent {
enum  {


FXuint fxrandom (FXuint &seed)
FXint fxmalloc (void **ptr, unsigned long size)
FXint fxcalloc (void **ptr, unsigned long size)
FXint fxresize (void **ptr, unsigned long size)
FXint fxmemdup (void **ptr, const void *src, unsigned long size)
void fxfree (void **ptr)
void fxerror (const char *format,...) FX_PRINTF(1
void void fxwarning (const char *format,...) FX_PRINTF(1
void void void fxmessage (const char *format,...) FX_PRINTF(1
void void void void fxassert (const char *expression, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno)
void fxtrace (unsigned int level, const char *format,...) FX_PRINTF(2
void void fxsleep (unsigned int n)
bool fxfilematch (const char *pattern, const char *string, FXuint flags=(FILEMATCH_NOESCAPE|FILEMATCH_FILE_NAME))
FXColor makeHiliteColor (FXColor clr)
FXColor makeShadowColor (FXColor clr)
FXint fxgetpid ()
bool fxtoDOS (FXchar *&string, FXint &len)
bool fxfromDOS (FXchar *&string, FXint &len)
FXcharfxstrdup (const FXchar *str)
FXuint fxstrhash (const FXchar *str)
FXColor fxcolorfromname (const FXchar *colorname)
FXcharfxnamefromcolor (FXchar *colorname, FXColor color)
void fxrgb_to_hsv (FXfloat &h, FXfloat &s, FXfloat &v, FXfloat r, FXfloat g, FXfloat b)
void fxhsv_to_rgb (FXfloat &r, FXfloat &g, FXfloat &b, FXfloat h, FXfloat s, FXfloat v)
FXint fxieeefloatclass (FXfloat number)
FXint fxieeedoubleclass (FXdouble number)
FXwchar fxkeysym2ucs (FXwchar sym)
FXwchar fxucs2keysym (FXwchar ucs)
FXint fxparsegeometry (const FXchar *string, FXint &x, FXint &y, FXint &w, FXint &h)
FXbool fxisconsole (const FXchar *path)
FXwchar wc (const FXchar *ptr)
FXwchar wc (const FXnchar *ptr)
FXint wclen (const FXchar *ptr)
FXint wclen (const FXnchar *ptr)
FXint wcvalidate (const FXchar *string, FXint pos)
FXint wcvalidate (const FXnchar *string, FXint pos)
FXint wcinc (const FXchar *string, FXint pos)
FXint wcinc (const FXnchar *string, FXint pos)
FXint wcdec (const FXchar *string, FXint pos)
FXint wcdec (const FXnchar *string, FXint pos)
FXint utfslen (const FXwchar *str, FXint n)
FXint utfslen (const FXwchar *str)
FXint utfslen (const FXnchar *str, FXint n)
FXint utfslen (const FXnchar *str)
FXint wcslen (const FXchar *str, FXint n)
FXint wcslen (const FXchar *str)
FXint ncslen (const FXchar *str, FXint n)
FXint ncslen (const FXchar *str)
FXint utf2wcs (FXwchar *dst, const FXchar *src, FXint n)
FXint utf2wcs (FXwchar *dst, const FXchar *src)
FXint utf2ncs (FXnchar *dst, const FXchar *src, FXint n)
FXint utf2ncs (FXnchar *dst, const FXchar *src)
FXint wc2utfs (FXchar *dst, const FXwchar *src, FXint n)
FXint wc2utfs (FXchar *dst, const FXwchar *src)
FXint nc2utfs (FXchar *dst, const FXnchar *src, FXint n)
FXint nc2utfs (FXchar *dst, const FXnchar *src)


const FXuchar fxversion [3]
unsigned int fxTraceLevel

Define Documentation

#define TRUE   1

#define FALSE   0

#define MAYBE   2

#define NULL   0

#define PI   3.1415926535897932384626433833


#define EULER   2.7182818284590452353602874713

Euler constant.

#define DTOR   0.0174532925199432957692369077

Multiplier for degrees to radians.

#define RTOD   57.295779513082320876798154814

Multiplier for radians to degrees.

#define PATHSEP   '/'

#define PATHSEPSTRING   "/"

#define PATHLISTSEP   ':'


#define ISPATHSEP  )     ((c)=='/')

#define ENDLINE   "\n"

#define FXLOCAL

#define FXEXPORT

#define FXIMPORT

#define FXAPI

#define FX_PRINTF fmt,
arg   ) 

#define FX_SCANF fmt,
arg   ) 

#define FXABS val   )     (((val)>=0)?(val):-(val))

Abolute value.

#define FXMAX a,
 )     (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))

Return the maximum of a or b.

#define FXMIN a,
 )     (((a)>(b))?(b):(a))

Return the minimum of a or b.

#define FXMIN3 x,
 )     ((x)<(y)?FXMIN(x,z):FXMIN(y,z))

Return the minimum of x, y and z.

#define FXMAX3 x,
 )     ((x)>(y)?FXMAX(x,z):FXMAX(y,z))

Return the maximum of x, y and z.

#define FXMIN4 x,
 )     (FXMIN(FXMIN(x,y),FXMIN(z,w)))

Return the minimum of x, y, z, and w.

#define FXMAX4 x,
 )     (FXMAX(FXMAX(x,y),FXMAX(z,w)))

Return the maximum of of x, y, z, and w.

#define FXMINMAX lo,
 )     ((a)<(b)?((lo)=(a),(hi)=(b)):((lo)=(b),(hi)=(a)))

Return minimum and maximum of a, b.

#define FXCLAMP lo,
hi   )     ((x)<(lo)?(lo):((x)>(hi)?(hi):(x)))

Clamp value x to range [lo..hi].

#define FXSWAP a,
 )     ((t)=(a),(a)=(b),(b)=(t))

Swap a pair of numbers.

#define FXLERP a,
 )     ((a)+((b)-(a))*(f))

Linear interpolation between a and b, where 0<=f<=1.

#define STRUCTOFFSET str,
member   )     (((char *)(&(((str *)0)->member)))-((char *)0))

Offset of member in a structure.

#define ARRAYNUMBER array   )     (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))

Number of elements in a static array.

#define CONTAINER ptr,
mem   )     ((str*)(((char*)(ptr))-STRUCTOFFSET(str,mem)))

Container class of a member class.

#define MKUINT l,
 )     ((((FX::FXuint)(l))&0xffff) | (((FX::FXuint)(h))<<16))

Make int out of two shorts.

#define FXSEL type,
id   )     ((((FX::FXuint)(id))&0xffff) | (((FX::FXuint)(type))<<16))

Make selector from message type and message id.

#define FXSELTYPE  )     ((FX::FXushort)(((s)>>16)&0xffff))

Get type from selector.

#define FXSELID  )     ((FX::FXushort)((s)&0xffff))

Get ID from selector.

#define FXBITREVERSE  )     (((b&0x01)<<7)|((b&0x02)<<5)|((b&0x04)<<3)|((b&0x08)<<1)|((b&0x10)>>1)|((b&0x20)>>3)|((b&0x40)>>5)|((b&0x80)>>7))

Reverse bits in byte.

#define FXISUTF  )     (((c)&0xC0)!=0x80)

Test if character c is at the start of a utf8 sequence.

#define FXRGBA r,
 )     (((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(r)) | ((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(g)<<8) | ((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(b)<<16) | ((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(a)<<24))

Make RGBA color.

#define FXRGB r,
 )     (((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(r)) | ((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(g)<<8) | ((FX::FXuint)(FX::FXuchar)(b)<<16) | 0xff000000)

Make RGB color.

#define FXREDVAL rgba   )     ((FX::FXuchar)((rgba)&0xff))

Get red value from RGBA color.

#define FXGREENVAL rgba   )     ((FX::FXuchar)(((rgba)>>8)&0xff))

Get green value from RGBA color.

#define FXBLUEVAL rgba   )     ((FX::FXuchar)(((rgba)>>16)&0xff))

Get blue value from RGBA color.

#define FXALPHAVAL rgba   )     ((FX::FXuchar)(((rgba)>>24)&0xff))

Get alpha value from RGBA color.

#define FXRGBACOMPVAL rgba,
comp   )     ((FX::FXuchar)(((rgba)>>((comp)<<3))&0xff))

Get component value of RGBA color.

#define FXASSERT exp   )     ((exp)?((void)0):(void)FX::fxassert(#exp,__FILE__,__LINE__))

FXASSERT() prints out a message when the expression fails, and nothing otherwise.

Unlike assert(), FXASSERT() will not terminate the execution of the application. When compiling your application for release, all assertions are compiled out; thus there is no impact on execution speed.

#define FXTRACE arguments   )     FX::fxtrace arguments

FXTRACE() allows you to trace the execution of your application with increasing levels of detail the higher the trace level.

The trace level is determined by variable fxTraceLevel, which may be set from the command line with "-tracelevel <level>". When compiling your application for release, all trace statements are compiled out, just like FXASSERT. A statement like: FXTRACE((10,"The value of x=%d\n",x)) will generate output only if fxTraceLevel is set to 11 or greater. The default value fxTraceLevel=0 will block all trace outputs. Note the double parentheses!

#define FXMALLOC ptr,
no   )     (FX::fxmalloc((void **)(ptr),sizeof(type)*(no)))

Allocate a memory block of no elements of type and store a pointer to it into the address pointed to by ptr.

Return FALSE if size!=0 and allocation fails, TRUE otherwise. An allocation of a zero size block returns a NULL pointer.

#define FXCALLOC ptr,
no   )     (FX::fxcalloc((void **)(ptr),sizeof(type)*(no)))

Allocate a zero-filled memory block no elements of type and store a pointer to it into the address pointed to by ptr.

Return FALSE if size!=0 and allocation fails, TRUE otherwise. An allocation of a zero size block returns a NULL pointer.

#define FXRESIZE ptr,
no   )     (FX::fxresize((void **)(ptr),sizeof(type)*(no)))

Resize the memory block referred to by the pointer at the address ptr, to a hold no elements of type.

Returns FALSE if size!=0 and reallocation fails, TRUE otherwise. If reallocation fails, pointer is left to point to old block; a reallocation to a zero size block has the effect of freeing it. The ptr argument must be the address where the pointer to the allocated block is to be stored.

#define FXMEMDUP ptr,
no   )     (FX::fxmemdup((void **)(ptr),(const void*)(src),sizeof(type)*(no)))

Allocate and initialize memory from another block.

Return FALSE if size!=0 and source!=NULL and allocation fails, TRUE otherwise. An allocation of a zero size block returns a NULL pointer. The ptr argument must be the address where the pointer to the allocated block is to be stored.

#define FXFREE ptr   )     (FX::fxfree((void **)(ptr)))

Free a block of memory allocated with either FXMALLOC, FXCALLOC, FXRESIZE, or FXMEMDUP.

It is OK to call free a NULL pointer. The argument must be the address of the pointer to the block to be released. The pointer is set to NULL to prevent any further references to the block after releasing it.

#define fabsf  )     ((float)fabs((double)(x)))

These are some of the ISO C99 standard single-precision transcendental functions.

On LINUX, specify _GNU_SOURCE or _ISOC99_SOURCE to enable native implementation; otherwise, these macros will be used. Apple OS-X implements fabsf(x), ceilf(x), floorf(x), and fmodf(x,y). Define FLOAT_MATH_FUNCTIONS if these functions are available in some other library you're linking to.

#define ceilf  )     ((float)ceil((double)(x)))

#define floorf  )     ((float)floor((double)(x)))

#define fmodf x,
 )     ((float)fmod((double)(x),(double)(y)))

#define sqrtf  )     ((float)sqrt((double)(x)))

#define sinf  )     ((float)sin((double)(x)))

#define cosf  )     ((float)cos((double)(x)))

#define tanf  )     ((float)tan((double)(x)))

#define asinf  )     ((float)asin((double)(x)))

#define acosf  )     ((float)acos((double)(x)))

#define atanf  )     ((float)atan((double)(x)))

#define atan2f y,
 )     ((float)atan2((double)(y),(double)(x)))

#define powf x,
 )     ((float)pow((double)(x),(double)(y)))

#define expf  )     ((float)exp((double)(x)))

#define logf  )     ((float)log((double)(x)))

#define log10f  )     ((float)log10((double)(x)))

Typedef Documentation

typedef char FX::FXchar

typedef unsigned char FX::FXuchar

typedef FXuchar FX::FXbool

typedef unsigned short FX::FXushort

typedef short FX::FXshort

typedef unsigned int FX::FXuint

typedef int FX::FXint

typedef float FX::FXfloat

typedef double FX::FXdouble

typedef FXObject* FX::FXObjectPtr

typedef wchar_t FX::FXwchar

typedef unsigned short FX::FXnchar

typedef long FX::FXival

typedef unsigned long FX::FXuval

typedef unsigned long FX::FXID

typedef long FX::FXTime

typedef unsigned long FX::FXPixel

typedef FXuint FX::FXColor

typedef FXuint FX::FXHotKey

typedef FXID FX::FXDragType

typedef FXint FX::FXInputHandle

typedef _XEvent FX::FXRawEvent

Function Documentation

FXuint FX::fxrandom FXuint seed  ) 

Simple, thread-safe, random number generator.

FXint FX::fxmalloc void **  ptr,
unsigned long  size

Allocate memory.

FXint FX::fxcalloc void **  ptr,
unsigned long  size

Allocate cleaned memory.

FXint FX::fxresize void **  ptr,
unsigned long  size

Resize memory.

FXint FX::fxmemdup void **  ptr,
const void *  src,
unsigned long  size

Duplicate memory.

void FX::fxfree void **  ptr  ) 

Free memory, resets ptr to NULL afterward.

void FX::fxerror const char *  format,

Error routine.

void void FX::fxwarning const char *  format,

Warning routine.

void void void FX::fxmessage const char *  format,

Log message to [typically] stderr.

void void void void FX::fxassert const char *  expression,
const char *  filename,
unsigned int  lineno

Assert failed routine:- usually not called directly but called through FXASSERT.

void FX::fxtrace unsigned int  level,
const char *  format,

Trace printout routine:- usually not called directly but called through FXTRACE.

void void FX::fxsleep unsigned int  n  ) 

Sleep n microseconds.

bool FX::fxfilematch const char *  pattern,
const char *  string,

Match a file name with a pattern.

FXColor FX::makeHiliteColor FXColor  clr  ) 

Get highlight color.

FXColor FX::makeShadowColor FXColor  clr  ) 

Get shadow color.

FXint FX::fxgetpid  ) 

Get process id.

bool FX::fxtoDOS FXchar *&  string,
FXint len

Convert string of length len to MSDOS; return new string and new length.

bool FX::fxfromDOS FXchar *&  string,
FXint len

Convert string of length len from MSDOS; return new string and new length.

FXchar* FX::fxstrdup const FXchar str  ) 

Duplicate string.

FXuint FX::fxstrhash const FXchar str  ) 

Calculate a hash value from a string.

FXColor FX::fxcolorfromname const FXchar colorname  ) 

Get RGB value from color name.

FXchar* FX::fxnamefromcolor FXchar colorname,
FXColor  color

Get name of (closest) color to RGB.

void FX::fxrgb_to_hsv FXfloat h,
FXfloat s,
FXfloat v,
FXfloat  r,
FXfloat  g,
FXfloat  b

Convert RGB to HSV.

void FX::fxhsv_to_rgb FXfloat r,
FXfloat g,
FXfloat b,
FXfloat  h,
FXfloat  s,
FXfloat  v

Convert HSV to RGB.

FXint FX::fxieeefloatclass FXfloat  number  ) 

Floating point number classification: 0=OK, +/-1=Inf, +/-2=NaN.

FXint FX::fxieeedoubleclass FXdouble  number  ) 

FXwchar FX::fxkeysym2ucs FXwchar  sym  ) 

Convert keysym to unicode character.

FXwchar FX::fxucs2keysym FXwchar  ucs  ) 

Convert unicode character to keysym.

FXint FX::fxparsegeometry const FXchar string,
FXint x,
FXint y,
FXint w,
FXint h

Parse geometry, a-la X11 geometry specification.

FXbool FX::fxisconsole const FXchar path  ) 

True if executable with given path is a console application.

FXwchar FX::wc const FXchar ptr  ) 

Return wide character from utf8 string at ptr.

FXwchar FX::wc const FXnchar ptr  ) 

Return wide character from utf16 string at ptr.

FXint FX::wclen const FXchar ptr  ) 

Return number of FXchar's of wide character at ptr.

FXint FX::wclen const FXnchar ptr  ) 

Return number of FXnchar's of narrow character at ptr.

FXint FX::wcvalidate const FXchar string,
FXint  pos

Return start of utf8 character containing position.

FXint FX::wcvalidate const FXnchar string,
FXint  pos

Return start of utf16 character containing position.

FXint FX::wcinc const FXchar string,
FXint  pos

Advance to next utf8 character start.

FXint FX::wcinc const FXnchar string,
FXint  pos

Advance to next utf16 character start.

FXint FX::wcdec const FXchar string,
FXint  pos

Retreat to previous utf8 character start.

FXint FX::wcdec const FXnchar string,
FXint  pos

Retreat to previous utf16 character start.

FXint FX::utfslen const FXwchar str,
FXint  n

Length of utf8 representation of wide characters string str of length n.

FXint FX::utfslen const FXwchar str  ) 

Length of utf8 representation of wide character string str.

FXint FX::utfslen const FXnchar str,
FXint  n

Length of utf8 representation of narrow characters string str of length n.

FXint FX::utfslen const FXnchar str  ) 

Length of utf8 representation of narrow characters string str.

FXint FX::wcslen const FXchar str,
FXint  n

Length of wide character representation of utf8 string str of length n.

FXint FX::wcslen const FXchar str  ) 

Length of wide character representation of utf8 string str.

FXint FX::ncslen const FXchar str,
FXint  n

Length of narrow character representation of utf8 string str of length n.

FXint FX::ncslen const FXchar str  ) 

Length of narrow character representation of utf8 string str.

FXint FX::utf2wcs FXwchar dst,
const FXchar src,
FXint  n

Copy utf8 string of length n to wide character string dst.

FXint FX::utf2wcs FXwchar dst,
const FXchar src

Copy utf8 string to wide character string dst.

FXint FX::utf2ncs FXnchar dst,
const FXchar src,
FXint  n

Copy utf8 string of length n to narrow character string dst.

FXint FX::utf2ncs FXnchar dst,
const FXchar src

Copy utf8 string to narrow character string dst.

FXint FX::wc2utfs FXchar dst,
const FXwchar src,
FXint  n

Copy wide character substring of length n to dst.

FXint FX::wc2utfs FXchar dst,
const FXwchar src

Copy wide character string to dst.

FXint FX::nc2utfs FXchar dst,
const FXnchar src,
FXint  n

Copy narrow character substring of length n to dst.

FXint FX::nc2utfs FXchar dst,
const FXnchar src

Copy narrow character string to dst.

Variable Documentation

const FXuchar FX::fxversion[3]

Version number that the library has been compiled with.

unsigned int FX::fxTraceLevel

Controls tracing level.

Copyright © 1997-2005 Jeroen van der Zijp