FX::FX4Splitter | The four-way splitter is a layout manager which manages four children like four panes in a window |
FX::FX7Segment | Seven-segment (eg LCD/watch style) widget, useful for making indicators and timers |
FX::FXAccelTable | The accelerator table sends a message to a specific target object when the indicated key and modifier combination is pressed |
FX::FXApp | Application Object |
FX::FXArc | Arc |
FX::FXArrowButton | Button with an arrow; the arrow can point in any direction |
FX::FXBitmap | A Bitmap is a rectangular array of pixels |
FX::FXBitmapFrame | The bitmap frame is a simple frame widget displaying an monochrome bitmap image; the bitmap is not owned by the bitmap frame so it must be explicitly deleted elsewhere |
FX::FXBitmapView | The Bitmap View widget display a scrollable view of a monochrome bitmap image; the bitmap is not owned by the bitmap frame so it must be explicitly deleted elsewhere |
FX::FXBMPIcon | The BMP Icon class is a convenience class for working with icons in the Microsoft Bitmap (.bmp) graphics file format |
FX::FXBMPImage | The BMP Image class is a convenience class for working with images in the Microsoft Bitmap (.bmp) graphics file format |
FX::FXButton | A button provides a push button, with optional icon and/or text label |
FX::FXCanvas | Canvas, an area drawn by another object |
FX::FXCheckButton | A Check Button is a tri-state button |
FX::FXChoiceBox | The Choice Box provides a dialog panel to select one item out of a list of choices |
FX::FXColorBar | A Color Bar is a widget which controls the brightness (value) of a color by means of the hue, saturation, value specification system |
FX::FXColorDialog | The Color dialog is a standard dialog panel used to edit colors |
FX::FXColorSelector | Color selection widget |
FX::FXColorWell | A color well is a widget which controls color settings |
FX::FXColorWheel | A Color Wheel is a widget which controls the hue and saturation values of a color |
FX::FXComboBox | A Combo Box provides a way to select a string from a list of strings |
FX::FXCommand | Base class for undoable commands |
FX::FXCommandGroup | Group of undoable commands |
FX::FXComposite | Base composite |
FX::FXCondition | A condition allows one or more threads to synchronize to an event |
FX::FXCURCursor | CUR Cursor class |
FX::FXCursor | Cursor class |
FX::FXDataTarget | A Data Target allows a valuator widget such as a Slider or Text Field to be directly connected with a variable in the program |
FX::FXDC | Abstract Device Context |
FX::FXDCPrint | Postscript Printer Device Context |
FX::FXDCWindow | Window Device Context |
FX::FXDebugTarget | A DebugTarget prints out every message it receives |
FX::FXDelegator | A delegator forwards messages to a delegate object |
FX::FXDial | The Dial widget is a valuator widget which is able to provide a cyclic value range when the DIAL_CYCLIC is passed, or a simple linear value range |
FX::FXDialogBox | DialogBox window |
FX::FXDict | The dictionary class maintains a fast-access hash table of entities indexed by a character string |
FX::FXDirBox | A Directory Box widget allows the user to select parts of a file path |
FX::FXDirDialog | A Directory Dialog provides a way to select a directory |
FX::FXDirItem | Directory item |
FX::FXDirList | A Directory List widget provides a tree-structured view of the file system |
FX::FXDirSelector | The Directory Selector widget is the reusable mega-widget component which is the core of the Directory Dialog |
FX::FXDockBar | A dock bar widget can be docked inside a dock site widget, or floated around freely |
FX::FXDockHandler | The dock handler exists as a common base class for tool bar grip and dock title |
FX::FXDockSite | The dock site widget is a widget where dock bars can be docked |
FX::FXDockTitle | A dock title is used to move its container, a dock bar |
FX::FXDocument | Abstract base class for documents |
FX::FXDragCorner | A drag corner widget may be placed in the bottom right corner so as to allow the window to be resized more easily |
FX::FXDrawable | Drawable is an abstract base class for any surface that can be drawn upon, such as a FXWindow, or FXImage |
FX::FXDriveBox | Directory Box |
FX::FXErrorException | Generic error exception |
FX::FXEvent | FOX Event |
FX::FXException | Generic catch-all exception |
FX::FXFileAssoc | Registers stuff to know about the extension |
FX::FXFileDialog | File selection dialog |
FX::FXFileDict | The File Association dictionary associates a file extension with a File Association record which contains command name, mime type, icons, and other information about the file type |
FX::FXFileItem | File item |
FX::FXFileList | A File List widget provides an icon rich view of the file system |
FX::FXFileSelector | File selection widget |
FX::FXFileStream | File Store Definition |
FX::FXFoldingItem | Tree list Item |
FX::FXFoldingList | A Folding List Widget resembles a Tree list except that it supports a header control to provide each item with multiple columns of text |
FX::FXFont | Font class |
FX::FXFontDesc | Font style |
FX::FXFontDialog | Font selection dialog |
FX::FXFontException | Font exception |
FX::FXFontSelector | Font selection widget |
FX::FXFrame | The Frame widget provides borders around some contents |
FX::FXGIFCursor | GIF Cursor class |
FX::FXGIFIcon | GIF Icon class |
FX::FXGIFImage | GIF Image class |
FX::FXGLCanvas | GLCanvas, an area drawn by another object |
FX::FXGLCone | OpenGL Cone Object |
FX::FXGLContext | A GL context is an object representing the OpenGL state information |
FX::FXGLCube | OpenGL Cube Object |
FX::FXGLCylinder | OpenGL Cylinder Object |
FX::FXGLGroup | Group object |
FX::FXGLLine | OpenGL Line Object |
FX::FXGLObject | Basic OpenGL object |
FX::FXGLPoint | OpenGL Point Object |
FX::FXGLShape | OpenGL Shape Object |
FX::FXGLSphere | OpenGL Sphere Object |
FX::FXGLTriangleMesh | OpenGL Triangle Mesh Object |
FX::FXGLViewer | OpenGL viewer widget |
FX::FXGLVisual | Visual describes pixel format of a drawable |
FX::FXGradientBar | The gradient bar is a control that is used to edit color gradient, such as used in texture mapping and shape filling |
FX::FXGroupBox | A group box widget provides a nice raised or sunken border around a group of widgets, providing a visual delineation |
FX::FXGUISignal | A GUI Signal is an object used by a worker thread to signal the user interface thread of some event; it wakes up the user interface thread from the blocking state and causes it to send the given message to the GUI Signal object's target |
FX::FXHash | A hash table for associating pointers to pointers |
FX::FXHeader | Header control may be placed over a table or list to provide a resizable captions above a number of columns |
FX::FXHeaderItem | Header item |
FX::FXHiliteStyle | Highlight style entry |
FX::FXHorizontalFrame | Horizontal frame layout manager widget is used to automatically place child-windows horizontally from left-to-right, or right-to-left, depending on the child window's layout hints |
FX::FXHorizontalSeparator | Horizontal separator widget |
FX::FXICOIcon | ICO (Microsoft icon format) icon |
FX::FXICOImage | ICO (Microsoft icon format) graphics file |
FX::FXIcon | An Icon is an image with two additional server-side resources: a shape bitmap, which is used to mask those pixels where the background should be preserved during the drawing, and a etch bitmap, which is used to draw the icon when it is disabled |
FX::FXIconDict | The Icon Dictionary manages a collection of icons |
FX::FXIconItem | Icon item |
FX::FXIconList | A Icon List Widget displays a list of items, each with a text and optional icon |
FX::FXIconSource | An icon source is a class that loads an icon of any type |
FX::FXId | Encapsulates server side resource |
FX::FXIFFIcon | The IFF Icon provides support for the EA/Amiga Image File Format |
FX::FXIFFImage | The IFF Image provides support for the EA/Amiga Image File Format |
FX::FXImage | An Image is a rectangular array of pixels |
FX::FXImageException | Image, cursor, bitmap exception |
FX::FXImageFrame | The image frame is a simple frame widget displaying an image; the image is not owned by the image frame so it must be explicitly deleted elsewhere |
FX::FXImageView | The Image View widget display a scrollable view of an image |
FX::FXInputDialog | An Input Dialog is a simple dialog which is used to obtain a text string, integer, or real number from the user |
FX::FXJPGIcon | JPEG Icon class |
FX::FXJPGImage | JPEG Image class |
FX::FXLabel | A label widget can be used to place a text and/or icon for explanation purposes |
FX::FXList | A List Widget displays a list of items, each with a text and optional icon |
FX::FXListBox | The List Box is a control to select one of a list of options |
FX::FXListItem | List item |
FX::FXMainWindow | The Main Window is usually the central window of an application |
FX::FXMat3d | Double-precision 3x3 matrix |
FX::FXMat3f | Single-precision 3x3 matrix |
FX::FXMat4d | Double-precision 4x4 matrix |
FX::FXMat4f | Single-precision 4x4 matrix |
FX::FXMatrix | The Matrix layout manager automatically arranges its child windows in rows and columns |
FX::FXMDIChild | The MDI child window contains the application work area in a Multiple Document Interface application |
FX::FXMDIClient | The MDI client window manages a number of MDI child windows in a multiple-document interface (MDI) application |
FX::FXMDIDeleteButton | MDI Delete button |
FX::FXMDIMaximizeButton | MDI Maximize button |
FX::FXMDIMenu | MDI Window Menu |
FX::FXMDIMinimizeButton | MDI Minimize button |
FX::FXMDIRestoreButton | MDI Restore button |
FX::FXMDIWindowButton | MDI Window button |
FX::FXMemMap | A Memory Map provides a view of a file as an array of memory; this allows the file itself to be used as backing for the data and very simplified file access results |
FX::FXMemoryException | Out of memory |
FX::FXMemoryStream | Memory Store Definition |
FX::FXMenuBar | Menu bar |
FX::FXMenuButton | A menu button posts a popup menu when clicked |
FX::FXMenuCaption | The menu caption is a widget which can be used as a caption above a number of menu commands in a menu |
FX::FXMenuCascade | The cascade menu widget is used to bring up a sub menu from a pull down menu |
FX::FXMenuCheck | The menu check widget is used to change a state in the application from a menu |
FX::FXMenuCommand | The menu command widget is used to invoke a command in the application from a menu |
FX::FXMenuPane | Popup menu pane |
FX::FXMenuRadio | The menu radio widget is used to invoke a command in the application from a menu |
FX::FXMenuSeparator | The menu separator is a simple decorative groove used to delineate items in a popup menu |
FX::FXMenuTitle | A menu title is a child of a menu bar which is responsible for popping up a pulldown menu |
FX::FXMessageBox | A Message Box is a convenience class which provides a dialog for very simple common yes/no type interactions with the user |
FX::FXMetaClass | Describes a FOX object |
FX::FXMutex | FXMutex provides a mutex which can be used to enforce critical sections around updates of data shared by multiple threads |
FX::FXMutexLock | An easy way to establish a correspondence between a C++ scope and a critical section is to simply declare an FXMutexLock at the beginning of the scope |
FX::FXObject | Object is the base class for all objects in FOX; in order to receive messages from the user interface, your class must derive from Object |
FX::FXObjectList | List of pointers to objects |
FX::FXObjectListOf< TYPE > | Specialize list to pointers to TYPE |
FX::FXOption | Option Menu Button |
FX::FXOptionMenu | Option Menu |
FX::FXPacker | Packer is a layout manager which automatically places child windows inside its area against the left, right, top, or bottom side |
FX::FXPCXIcon | PCX icon |
FX::FXPCXImage | PCX graphics file |
FX::FXPicker | A picker button allows you to identify an arbitrary location on the screen |
FX::FXPNGIcon | Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Icon class |
FX::FXPNGImage | Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Image class |
FX::FXPoint | Point |
FX::FXPointerException | Invalid pointer |
FX::FXPopup | Popup window |
FX::FXPPMIcon | Portable Pixmap icon |
FX::FXPPMImage | Portable Pixmap Image |
FX::FXPrintDialog | Printer selection dialog |
FX::FXPrinter | Describes printer |
FX::FXProgressBar | Progress bar widget |
FX::FXProgressDialog | A Progress Dialog is a simple dialog which is used to keep a user informed of the progress of a lengthy operation in a program and that the program is in fact still working |
FX::FXPSBounds | Bounding box |
FX::FXQuatd | Double-precision quaternion |
FX::FXQuatf | Single-precision quaternion |
FX::FXRadioButton | A radio button is a tri-state button |
FX::FXRanged | Bounds |
FX::FXRangeException | Index out of range |
FX::FXRangef | Bounds |
FX::FXRASIcon | SUN Raster Image format icon |
FX::FXRASImage | SUN Raster Image format |
FX::FXRealSlider | The real slider widget is a valuator widget which provides simple linear value range |
FX::FXRealSpinner | Spinner control |
FX::FXRecentFiles | The recent files object manages a most recently used (MRU) file list by means of the standard system registry |
FX::FXRectangle | Rectangle |
FX::FXRegion | Region |
FX::FXRegistry | The registry maintains a database of persistent settings for an application |
FX::FXReplaceDialog | Text replace dialog |
FX::FXResourceException | Generic resource exception |
FX::FXRex | FXRex is a regular expression class implementing a NFA matcher |
FX::FXRGBIcon | IRIS RGB icon |
FX::FXRGBImage | IRIS RGB image |
FX::FXRootWindow | Root window |
FX::FXRuler | The ruler widget is placed alongside a document to measure position and size of entities within the document, such as margins, paragraph indents, and tickmarks |
FX::FXScrollArea | The scroll area widget manages a content area and a viewport area through which the content is viewed |
FX::FXScrollBar | The scroll bar is used when a document has a larger content than may be made visible |
FX::FXScrollCorner | Corner between scroll bars |
FX::FXScrollPane | A Scroll Pane is a menu pane which provides scrolling of menu entries |
FX::FXScrollWindow | The scroll window widget scrolls an arbitrary child window |
FX::FXSearchDialog | Text search dialog |
FX::FXSegment | Line segment |
FX::FXSemaphore | A semaphore allows for protection of a resource that can be accessed by a fixed number of simultaneous threads |
FX::FXSeparator | A Separator widget is used to draw a horizontal or vertical divider between groups of controls |
FX::FXSettings | The Settings class manages a key-value database |
FX::FXShell | The Shell widget is used as the base class for top level windows, i.e |
FX::FXShutter | The Shutter widget provides a set of foldable sub panels |
FX::FXShutterItem | A Shutter Item is a panel which is embedded inside a Shutter Widget |
FX::FXSize | Size |
FX::FXSlider | The slider widget is a valuator widget which provides simple linear value range |
FX::FXSphered | Spherical bounds |
FX::FXSpheref | Spherical bounds |
FX::FXSpinner | Spinner control |
FX::FXSplashWindow | The Splash Window is a window typically shown during startup of an application |
FX::FXSplitter | Splitter window is used to interactively repartition two or more subpanels |
FX::FXSpring | The spring widgets, when properly embedded side by side in a horizontal frame or vertical frame widget, behave like a set of connected springs of various lengths (hence the name!) |
FX::FXStatusBar | Status bar |
FX::FXStatusLine | The status line normally shows its permanent message; when moving the mouse over a Widget which has status-line help, the status line temporarily replaces its normal message with the help information; the status line obtains the help message by sending the Widget a ID_QUERY_HELP message with type SEL_UPDATE |
FX::FXStream | A stream is a way to serialize data and objects into a byte stream |
FX::FXString | FXString provides essential string manipulation capabilities |
FX::FXStringDict | String dictionary maps a character string to a character string |
FX::FXSwitcher | The Switcher layout manager automatically arranges its child windows such that one of them is placed on top; all other child windows are hidden |
FX::FXTabBar | The tab bar layout manager arranges tab items side by side, and raises the active tab item above the neighboring tab items |
FX::FXTabBook | The tab book layout manager arranges pairs of children; the even numbered children (0,2,4,...) are usually tab items, and are placed on the top |
FX::FXTabItem | A tab item is placed in a tab bar or tab book |
FX::FXTable | Table Widget |
FX::FXTableItem | Item in table |
FX::FXTablePos | Position in table |
FX::FXTableRange | Range of table cells |
FX::FXText | Multiline text widget |
FX::FXTextChange | Text mutation callback data passed with the SEL_INSERTED, SEL_REPLACED, and SEL_DELETED messages; both old and new text is available on behalf of the undo system as well as syntax highlighting |
FX::FXTextCodec | Abstract base class for a stateless coder/decoder |
FX::FXTextField | A text field is a single-line text entry widget |
FX::FXTGAIcon | TARGA image format icon |
FX::FXTGAImage | TARGA graphics file |
FX::FXThread | FXThread provides system-independent support for threads |
FX::FXTIFIcon | TIFF Icon class |
FX::FXTIFImage | TIFF Image class |
FX::FXToggleButton | The toggle button provides a two-state button, which toggles between the on and the off state each time it is pressed |
FX::FXToolBar | A tool bar widget can be docked in a dock site; it automatically adjusts its orientation based on the orientation of the dock site, and adjusts the layout options accordingly |
FX::FXToolBarGrip | A toolbar grip is used to move its container, a dock bar |
FX::FXToolBarShell | A Tool bar shell is a widget floating around over the Main Window |
FX::FXToolBarTab | A toolbar tab is used to collapse or uncollapse a sibling widget |
FX::FXToolTip | Hopefully Helpful Hint message |
FX::FXTopWindow | Abstract base class for all top-level windows |
FX::FXTreeItem | Tree list Item |
FX::FXTreeList | A Tree List Widget organizes items in a hierarchical, tree-like fashion |
FX::FXTreeListBox | The Tree List Box behaves very much like a List Box, except that it supports a hierarchical, tree structured display of the items |
FX::FXTriStateButton | The tri-state button provides a three-state button, which toggles between the on and the off state each time it is pressed; programmatically, it may also be switched into the MAYBE state |
FX::FXUndoList | The Undo List class manages a list of undoable commands |
FX::FXUTF16Codec | Codec for UTF-16 |
FX::FXUTF32Codec | Codec for UTF-32 |
FX::FXUTF8Codec | Codec for UTF-8 |
FX::FXVec2d | Double-precision 2-element vector |
FX::FXVec2f | Single-precision 2-element vector |
FX::FXVec3d | Double-precision 3-element vector |
FX::FXVec3f | Single-precision 3-element vector |
FX::FXVec4d | Double-precision 4-element vector |
FX::FXVec4f | Single-precision 4-element vector |
FX::FXVerticalFrame | Vertical frame layout manager widget is used to automatically place child-windows vertically from top-to-bottom, or bottom-to-top, depending on the child window's layout hints |
FX::FXVerticalSeparator | Vertical separator widget |
FX::FXViewport | OpenGL Viewer Viewport |
FX::FXVisual | Visual describes pixel format of a drawable |
FX::FXWindow | Base class for all windows |
FX::FXWindowException | Window exception |
FX::FXWizard | A Wizard widget guides the user through a number of panels in a predefined sequence; each step must be completed before moving on to the next step |
FX::FXXBMIcon | X Bitmap icon |
FX::FXXBMImage | X Bitmap image |
FX::FXXPMIcon | X Pixmap icon |
FX::FXXPMImage | X Pixmap image |